Mr.BhargavSundaram, Chief Executive, Callidai Motor Works and recipient of “PSG Distinguished Alumni Award 2023” shared his entrepreneurial experience with the students of PSGIM. He imparted five vital lessons from his experience. He highlighted the need to sense the pulse of the market and to be aware of the needs of the customers. The second point is that product positioning plays a key role in success of the firm. Diversification of the products is important so that the firm survive even when the demand for one or two products from the portfolio vanishes. He emphasized on building social values would help the firm build credibility and trust among the customers. The focus of any business should be to add value to the society, rather than just focusing on revenues and profits. The last lesson is listening to feedback from others can serve as a good way to take corrective actions in one’s life.
Mr.BhargavSundaram, Chief Executive, Callidai Motor Works and recipient of “PSG Distinguished Alumni Award 2023”
This event has expired
Start Time
12:00 am
January 23, 2023
Finish Time
5:20 am
January 18, 2025